Lele Lele

Lele Lele Orchestra
Lele Lele (meaning ”Oh my!” in Bulgarian) is a one of a kind Bulgarian-Swedish band providing hot danceable Bulgarian and Roma grooves. The group has performed music from the Balkans since 2003 and is still exploring the endless possibilities thru different collaborations. The band released their first studio album in 2009 (DartBird Music) which contains an exciting mix of Bulgarian and Indian music.
Odd meters, wild improvisations, daring arrangements, lyrical preludiums, dance performances and a feeling of pop are few of the elements that are boiling together in Lele Leles hot Bulgarian pot. The solid base is the Bulgarian folk music that the band delicately arranges for Bulgarian tamboura, tuba, voices and tupan (Bulgarian drum).
Sonya Bakoeva – vocals & tupan
Mihail Dinchev – tambura, vocals & dance
Todor Bakoev – gadulka & gaida (bagpipe)
Stian Grimstad – tuba
Moa Danielson – tupan (Bulgarian drum)